Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Truth.......My Truth

I embraced The Truth at 19 years old
An overnight conversation and I was sold
Sold on Love at such a young age
And a few years later, we were engaged
We've been through our ups and downs and have weathered the storm
A relationship that could get through anything in rare form
A unity, A bond, someone that has always met me half way
The man that I still Love till this very day
Who would of known that we would still be together
Eight years married and Sixteen years later
A personal, universal and unconditional Love
Could only be created by the Man up above
You are The Truth and I am a reflection of you
A couple that's so much a like... I guess that's the reason we said I Do!
He's not perfect and neither am I, with a love that's real, who really needs Proof?
My Match.....His Challenge, Better known as My Truth!

1 comment:

  1. This has to be one of my Top 5!!! I absolutely love this poem! Its speaks directly from your heart!!!
