Looking at the world through my eyes, letting your mind be Free
Breathing in the Winter air, Smelling the clean, walking Fast
Looking at old pictures, wishing the good ole days would last
Reading those Urban books getting caught up in storyline
Sneaking a peak at the last page, Figuring out the ending.... Why?
Reminiscing with my siblings about the old times growing up
Trying to readLudell, But never finished it, no such Luck
Writing in my Journal before I went to bed at night
Lurlyn and I the best of Friends but most of the time ended up in a fight
In the Movie "The Four Brothers" she is our "Bobby"
The eldest of us all, Always thinking her way is what it should be
Always ready for a good Fight
Keeping her opinions to herself...Not even... not quite
Tiffany is our "Angel" always keeping things on Fire
America's Beautiful Nightmare, everyone knows her as a Live Wire
Eboni is our "Jack" not as quiet as the one in the movie
With the Lethal words coming out of her mouth, On her side I always want to be
And of course I am "Jeremiah", The "Reason" behind all difficult questions
I try to think I give good advice, but remember it's $75 an hour each session :)
Afraid of loosing a loved one and being left alone
Even though in my heart they will always have a home
So much to do, To many cries
To be continued...... More Through my Eyes